Types of Ovary:
Depending on the relative position of the ovary and other floral members on the thalamus, the ovary may be three types –
1. Superior Ovary: The ovary is situated at the top of the convex or conical thalamus. As a result, there is no attachment of the ovary with other floral whorls.
Example: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
2. Inferior Ovary: The ovary wall is fused with the raised margin of the cup-shaped thalamus both basically and laterally. As a result, the ovary is situated below floral whorls.
Example: Cucurbita, Pyrus, etc.
3. Half-inferior Ovary: The ovary is situated at the center of the slightly concave thalamus. As a result, the position of the ovary is intermediate between the inferior or superior conditions.
Example: Pea, Rose, etc.