Importance of Reproduction


Reproduction is an important biological process where the offspring cyclical events of birth, growth, senescence, and death in the whole life span. It is a process by which an organism produces young ones of its kind. In a general sense, reproduction is one of the most important concepts in biology. It means making a copy, a likeness and thereby providing for the continued existence of species.

It is one of the fundamental characteristics of living organisms. Genetic variation is created and inherited during reproduction. Among living organisms, reproduction is one of the vital and fundamental characteristics feature responsible for their survival and perpetuation. It regulates the proper transmission of genetic material from one generation to the second generation and to the next. It ensures that the species survives and maintains its existence over a long period of time.

Importance of Reproduction:

1. Maintaining of Existence of Life: Living world maintains its existence by producing new descendants through reproduction.

2. Multiplication: Organisms multiply their own species by reproduction.

3. Maintaining Continuity: Through reproduction, living organisms maintain their succession in nature.

4. Setting up the Balance in Nature: Production of similar offspring helps to maintain the balance on this earth.

5. Helps in Evolution: The variations appearing through sexual reproduction help in evolution.

6. Origin of Mutation: There is a chance for mutation at the time of sexual reproduction by which new species may originate.

7. Production of Hybrid Varieties: Hybrid varieties may be produced by interspecific sexual reproduction which can adjust themselves easily to the changing environment.

8. Produce Genetic Diversity: Reproduction introduces variations in the organisms. Useful variations are essential for adaptations and evolution. Sexual reproduction provides genetic diversity because the sperm and egg that are produced contain different combinations of genes than the parent organisms. Asexual reproduction, on the other hand, does not need sperm and eggs since one organism splits into two organisms that have the same combination of genes.

9. Species Continuity: Continuity of species, maintained by reproduction.

10. Organization of Population: Reproduction maintains the population of young, adult, and aged persons.