Sources of Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution:

Noise is considered to be any unwanted sound that may adversely affect the health and well-being of individuals and the masses. Noise derives from the Lattin word ‘nausea’ – a feeling of the sickness of the stomach with an urge to vomit. Any unwanted electromagnetic signal that produces a jarring or displeasing effect and which interferes with human communication, comfort, and health can be called noise pollution.

Types of Noise Pollution:

1. Steady-state Noise: Noise whose intensity and quality are practically constant over an appreciable period of time.

2. Fluctuating Noise: Noise whose intensity rises or falls more than 5 decibels (dB).

3. Intermittent Noise: It is discontinuous wave motion that prevails for a long period, remains silent, and starts once again.

4. Impulsive Noise: Noise that is transient and somewhat sudden (such as – gunshots, crackers). The impulse occurs within or less than 500 milliseconds (0.5 seconds) duration with a magnitude of at least 40 decibels within that time.

Sources of Noise Pollution:

1. Natural Sources:

The natural sources of noise pollution are thunder, earthquakes, and loud volcanic eruptions.

2. Anthropogenic:

    i. Industrial Source: Various machines in different factories, industries, and mills generate noise.
    Example: Mechanical Sows and Pneumatic Drill.

    ii. Transport Noise:

    • The hooting of trains creates strain on-ear because the noise level rises to 130 decibels.
    • Air traffic noise caused by speeding jet aircraft damage human hearing permanently.
    • Example: Sonic Boom

    • Mechanized Automobiles like motors, scooters, cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, and sirens of ambulance and fire engines produce a tremendous amount of noise pollution.

    iii. Neighbourhood Noise: Indians are famous for celebrating a large number of religious festivals, and every occasion, function, and sentiment is manifested in a noisy manner.

    • Shrieking of the loudspeaker at the place of worship, blaring out film songs at marriage and birthday parties, bursting of firecrackers to celebrate Deewali, the festival of lights, Political rallies, and election campaigns, all involve noise that causes great damage to hearing.
    • The reckless use of household gadgets like musical instruments, television, VCR, radio, telephones, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and air conditioners are also responsible for causing noise pollution.
    • Promoting community awareness through education and news media can help in noise control at social gatherings and in the usage of house appliances such as TV, VCRs, etc.