1. They are complex organic compounds containing C, H, O and N.
2. They are both natural and artificial in nature that is produced from the different plant tissue or can be synthesized artificially in the laboratory.
3. they are mostly plant growth regulators.
4. They may antagonistic effect, counteracting each other, like auxin and cytokinin.
5. They are both localized and transported in nature, i.e. produced at one point and active at some other point after being transported along the conducting tissue by getting soluble in water.
6. They may accumulate at certain growth regions, auxin exhibits apical dominance and brings about apical growth.
It was denoted by the famous experiment by Went called the Avena coleoptile curvature test. In this experiment, he showed that phototropic curvature may be blocked, if the shoot tip is excised off or if a metallic plate is inserted just below the shoot tip. But when excised shoot tip is transferred on a ager block and the block only is transferred on to the decapitated shoot, the phototropic curvature is again observed. This indicate that the auxin, which is produced near the tip is accumulated below and induces the phototropic curvature in the shoot of flowering plants.
7. The concentration of different phytohormone varies with the different stages of plant growth.
8. Phytohormones are stored in tthe plant body and they are destroyed after their function is over.
9. phytohormones are artifixcially used to increase the agricultural productivity of crop plants.
10. Phytohormones act as specific signalinh molecules, which help in the initiation of defferent