Blood Groups and Their Characteristics

Blood Groups:

Although all blood is made of the same basic elements, not all blood is alike. In fact, there are eight different common blood types, which are determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens – substances that can trigger an immune system to attack the transfused blood, safe blood transfusions depend on careful blood typing and cross-matching.

It might seem like blood is blood – It all looks pretty much the same to the naked eye. But although all blood contains the same basic components (Red cells, White cells, platelets, and plasma), not everyone has the same types of markers on the surface of their red blood cells. These markers are also called antigens. Antigens are proteins and sugars that our bodies use to identify the blood cells as belonging to our own system.

Types of Blood Groups:

There are mainly four types of blood groups are:

1. Type A – This blood type has a marker known as “A”.

2. Type B – This blood type has a marker known as “B”.

3. Type AB – The blood cells in this type have both A and B markers.

4. Type O – This blood type has neither A or B markers.

Plus Rh Factor: Some people have an additional marker called Rh Factor. In their blood, because each of the four main blood groups (A, B, AB, and O) may or may not have Rh factor, scientists further classify blood as either “positive” (with Rh factor) or “negative” (without Rh factor).